Category Content creation

Advice, information, tools and resources to help you create your content.

Most notable podcasts of 2023

Most notable podcasts of 2023

More of us are turning to podcasts. With the variety being so wide, it’s no surprise more of us are opting to tune into interesting debates over replaying our favourite songs again and again. It turns out, although we’re a…

Tips for recording audio on your smartphone

Tips for recording audio on your smartphone

There’s really two ways to go about it. One way will be quick, easy and not cost a thing. The other will produce the best quality. So, it’s dependent on what you’re needing the audio for. Smartphone cameras have become…

3 gift ideas for beginner recording musicians

3 gift ideas for beginner recording musicians

If you’re struggling with what to buy this festive season, we’re here to help. For those who aren’t in the music world themselves, it can be tricky to know what’s good and what to avoid. So, have a look at…

What is a DAW?

What is a DAW

A DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation. This is software which is used for recording, editing and producing audio files. It’s a platform used by musicians, producers and music engineers to create, mix and master. A Digital Audio Workstation, is…

The roles and responsibilities of a music engineer

The roles and responsibilities of a music engineer

In the world of music, there are so many individuals who work hard to create, master, and distribute the content you hear. Music engineers are often working behind the scenes, but they play a crucial role in bringing the dreams…

5 careers in a creative industry

5 careers in a creative industry

If you’re someone who isn’t interested in the normal 9-5 grind, and is looking for something a little more creative, then we’re here to help. There are creative careers in various industries. You just need to find the right one…

ChatGPT hasn’t had an update since 2022

For those who rely on ChatGPT to write essays, or provide them with answers to their ever-burning questions, please ensure you fact-check everything. The popular AI tool hasn’t had an update in almost two years. Many people from all industries…

Download creator’s TikTok videos to watch offline

Download creator's TikTok videos to watch offline

TikTok now prompts users to download videos from their favourite creators. These are then stored onto their devices and can be watched from anywhere without the need for an internet connection Offline streaming is always helpful. Especially to those who…

A singer’s guide to mastering an instrument

A singer's guide to mastering an instrument

While it’s not required to play an instrument, and many singers don’t, it can make you stand out from your competition. Adding an extra layer to your talents and allowing all music created to be yours. Embarking on the journey…

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