The most sampled songs in music history

The most sampled songs in music history. Graphic showing a mouth with stars and lightning bolts coming from it as if they are singing.
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Some songs have been sampled so frequently that they have become iconic in their own right. Here are some of the most sampled tracks in music history and why they continue to be reused by artists across generations.

Perhaps the most famous sample of all time, the ‘Amen Break’ is a six-second drum solo from this 1969 track. It has been used in thousands of songs, particularly in hip-hop, jungle, and drum and bass music.

James Brown’s influence on sampling is undeniable, and ‘Funky Drummer’ is one of the most used tracks in music history. The drum break performed by Clyde Stubblefield has appeared in songs by Public Enemy, Dr. Dre, and countless others.

This 1982 track is known for the famous “Ahhh, this stuff is really fresh” vocal snippet, which has been scratched into numerous hip-hop records and DJ sets worldwide.

Produced by James Brown, this 1972 song features the legendary ‘Yeah! Woo!’ break, a sample that has found its way into countless hip-hop and dance tracks over the decades.

A foundational hip-hop classic, ‘La Di Da Di’ has been referenced and sampled by artists such as The Notorious B.I.G., Snoop Dogg, and Beyoncé.

This 1973 track contains a widely used drum break that has become a staple in hip-hop production, appearing in tracks by Nas, J. Cole, and many more.

Another highly sampled drum break, this 1973 song has been used in tracks by The Wu-Tang Clan, Naughty by Nature, and a variety of hip-hop legends.

This 1974 track contains a break that has been sampled in hits by Eric B. & Rakim, PM Dawn, and Milli Vanilli.

A hip-hop classic in its own right, this live track has been extensively sampled, particularly its opening call-and-response section.

This 1972 rock song contains a live crowd sample and a drum break that have been used by hip-hop producers including Kanye West and J Dilla.

These songs have left a lasting mark on music, their elements repurposed in creative ways by countless artists. Sampling continues to shape modern music, bridging the past with the present and keeping classic sounds alive for new generations. sign up for free GIF
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