How long does it take for a music artist to “make it”?

Unfortunately, too many music artists get frustrated early on into their career, but, nothing happens overnight. It’s very rare a musician will become well known and even get signed, quickly.

How long does it take for a music artist to “make it”? Photo of a woman sat on the side holding a vinyl next to a record player.
Credit: Pexels

Breaking into the music industry is a dream for many, but how long does it really take for an artist to “make it”? The truth is, there’s no single answer. Every artist’s journey is different, but there are some common patterns that can give you an idea of what to expect.

The average timeline

On average, it can take 7–10 years of consistent effort for an artist to achieve significant success. This includes building a fan base, perfecting their craft, and gaining recognition from the industry. While some artists achieve viral fame overnight, these cases are rare and often built on years of unseen work.

Key factors that affect the timeline

  1. Genre and market: Certain genres, like pop and hip-hop, tend to be more competitive, requiring extra time and effort to stand out.
  2. Networking: Building connections with industry professionals can accelerate your path to success.
  3. Marketing and branding: Artists who invest in their personal brand and use platforms like TikTok or Instagram strategically may gain attention faster.
  4. Consistency: Regularly releasing high-quality music and engaging with fans is crucial for long-term growth.

Different definitions of success

“Making it” means different things to different people. For some, it’s about signing with a major label, while others define success as earning a sustainable income through music or achieving creative freedom. These goals influence how long the journey takes.

The bottom line

Patience and persistence are key. Most successful artists spend years honing their craft, performing at small venues, and steadily growing their audience. There’s no magic formula, but staying dedicated and adaptable can significantly improve your chances of success. Remember, every step forward counts, even if it doesn’t feel like it at first. sign up for free GIF
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