PUSH.fm updates – Competitions and email access amongst free products introduced

Another week, another upgrade! Our platform has had further updates which will benefit all creatives, small business and music artists. We have added a brand-new Audience page where users can collect their fans email addresses at no cost.

PUSH.fm updates - Competitions and email access amongst free products introduced. Photo of Audience page on a laptop.

PUSH.fm has had another upgrade. We sound like a broken record, but honestly, our aim is to always maximise what we can offer on our free plan. We want to give creators, music artists, small brands and businesses all the tools they need to succeed.

Our company was created by people from these groups, and we created it to ensure there was something on the market for those just starting out. Of course, as you grow, we want to be there and be a part of that. But, we are determined to offer what you need to get started.

As we add new products to our platform, we put a lot of thought into where to place them. We consider who they might best benefit and how they can be utilised. The latest adjustments will see the free plan expand further than ever, and some Premium tools move to being free.


Competitions are now a free feature. For those who weren’t aware, previously our Competitions were part of our Premium plan. This tool allows users to create online contests their fans and audience can enter in order to win a prize.

The tool helps content creators, small businesses, independent musicians – you name it! Competitions work by the creator setting up actionable rules. For example; you might state those entering must follow your social media accounts.

PUSH.fm updates - Competitions and email access amongst free products introduced. Updated Premium Plan
Updated Premium plan

Or, perhaps you want a tweet shared or your music artist account to be followed. There are so many actions you can set, and the best part is, your fans can enter multiple times. If they have various social media accounts, they can enter once per account.

You’ll set an end date, so all entries must be made before the cut-off. Then, our system will close your competition on that date, and you can later download a CSV file containing the information of everyone who entered your contest.

Then, it’s up to you. You’ll have the opportunity to set the prize. So, if your prize is physical, you’ll need to arrange shipping between you and the winner. You can input all saved entries into a random name generator and allow it to select your winner.

Email access

Possibly one of the biggest and most useful changes (if we do say so ourselves) is our email access. Now, it’s a free service. Previously, all links would have the option of collecting emails and audience data, however, you would need to pay to access this information.

We aren’t here to gatekeep and after listening to user feedback we decided to change this feature. Many users were saying having the data collection button within their links was rather annoying, as they then couldn’t access this information without upgrading.

PUSH.fm updates - Competitions and email access amongst free products introduced. How to view the Audience page.
New Audience page view

Now, we could have used this information as a selling point for our Premium products, but, we wanted to include as many creatives as we could. So, we removed this barrier. Now, all PUSH users can access their very own Audience page, which collects data.

Before, if you’d upgraded your PUSH account, you would be able to access a button which read Download emails. It was only available to those who paid for the Premium subscription and was hidden under a drop-down menu. Now, you’ll notice a shiny new page.

PUSH.fm updates - Competitions and email access amongst free products introduced
The old view

From your Audience page, you can access all emails collected through Smart Links, Pre-saves, Reward Links, Competitions and Pay Links. Any time someone clicks on the mailing list button within your link, they will be added to your Audience page.

Your Audience page shows their email address, name, and which link collected their information. If you want to download a file containing this data, you will need to pay to upgrade to a Premium account. However, you can copy each name individually for free.

PUSH users now will notice their account looking a little different from before. There is an icon on the left-hand panel which looks like three people. This is your Audience page. By clicking here, you will be able to access all information previously discussed.

So, what do you plan to do first? Create a Competition? Or, perhaps you want to start an email newsletter and keep your loyal fans in the loop ahead of any future launches. There are so many new possibilities for PUSH users, where could you end up?

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